Follett 5650 Barcode Scaner User Manual

Help setting up the new wireless Follett scanners

Having some issues with your new wireless scanner? The setup can be confusing. Here's how it should look!
With a solid blue light on the base.

To make sure you have yours set up correctly, follow the steps below.
First, make sure you have the scanner, cradle, the two USB cords included with the scanner, and the USB power block.
Second, make sure you have inserted the included battery into the base of the scanner.
Third, plug in the power USB cord. It's the one I'm pointing to here, in the center on the bottom of the cradle.
Fourth, connect the other end of the cable into the USB power block, then plug it into a power outlet. This is the cable which provides power, and while you can plug it into a computer to provide power, some USB ports do not provide enough. Wall outlets also will charge the scanner faster. For these reasons, I advise plugging it into a standard power outlet with the included USB power block.
Fifth, plug in the other USB cable, the one that ends in an ethernet cable plug. It slides in and clips into place where I am pointing below.
Sixth, take the other end of the cable you just put in place and plug it into the USB port of the computer that will use the scanner.
Seventh, put the cradle down flat and set the scanner onto the charging prongs. You should now let the scanner charge, which may take up to four and a half hours.
When the scanner is fully charged, the green light on top of it will be solid - it should blink while charging. You should now be able to scan normally. If you can not, contact Library Services.
As another bit of reference, common errors can be judged by the status of the blinking lights on the cradle.
Red and blue continuous flashing means no power and scanner is disconnected from cradle.
Steady red and blue means the radio is connected, but no power to the cradle.
Red and blue interchanging means USB communication failure.
Blue flashing means scanner is disconnected from cradle.
Created by Jim Hepler
  1. FOLLETT SOFTWARE COMPANY PRODUCT LICENSING TERMS.IMPORTANT. This lega l documen t (the 'Agreement' ) is an agreement between you and Follett Softwa re Company governing the use of Follett Softwa re Company’s library and textbook managemen t products listed on Follett’s Web sites, including at,.
  2. E D U C A T O R S. E m p o w e r I n s p i r e l e a r n i n g. T m FOLLETT 5100 CORDED BARCODE SCANNER IS A MUST-HAVE FOR EASY BARCODE SCANNING. Durable: No moving parts inside and solid construction outside to ensure reliable service.

Follett 5650 Barcode Scanner User Manual R32304

Economical and Fully Featured The 6300 Cordless Scanner from Follett is both economical and fully featured with auto scan and auto trigger capabilities.