Author(s) is a platform for academics to share research papers. Building User Guides can reduce operational energy use and provide savings through effective use of the building and its systems. They allow the achievement of a BREEAM credit and also provide occupants with easily accessible, non-technical information to allow them to use the building efficiently and without difficulty.
This manual describes the computer program CONTAM version 3.2 developed by NIST. CONTAM is a multizone indoor air quality and ventilation analysis program designed to help you determine: airflow rates and pressures infiltration, exfiltration, and room-to-room airflow rates and pressure differences in building systems driven by mechanical means, wind pressures acting on the exterior of the building, and buoyancy effects induced by temperature differences between zones including the outdoors; contaminant concentrations the dispersal of airborne contaminants transported by these airflow rates and transformed by a variety of processes including chemical and radio-chemical transformation, adsorption and desorption to building materials, filtration, deposition to and resuspension from building surfaces; and/or personal exposure the prediction of exposure of building occupants to airborne contaminants for eventual risk assessmentTechnical Note (NIST TN) - 1887
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Building Manuals And Building User Guides Instructions
airflow analysis, building controls, building technology, co-simulation, computer program, contaminant dispersal, controls, energy use, indoor air quality, multizone analysis, smoke control, smoke management, ventilation
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Created September 4, 2015, Updated November 10, 2018