Analogman King Of Tone User Manual

Apr 22, 2011  I built one and really like it. I like how the two drives stack up nicely, kinda like two tubescreamers work well together. What's functional about the Aristocrat is the clipping switches, whereas tubescreamers don't feature that unless you mod them, these bluesbreakers have them built in. Mar 25, 2016  In this episode Daniel and Mick are discussing the much-loved Analog Man King Of Tone overdrive. It’s Dan’s favourite overdrive of recent times but as many people will know, there is a very.

  1. Analogman King Of Tone V4 Manual
  2. Analogman King Of Tone V4 Manual
  3. Analog King Of Tone Pedal
  4. Analogman King Of Tone Manual
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Kenny Wayne Shepherd

Signal Chain: MXR CAE wah > Boss TU-3 > Switcher Loop 1: Dunlop Uni-Vibe > Switcher Loop 2: MXR CAE wahcircuit mounted inside board > Switcher Loop 3: Chicago Iron Tycobrahe Octavia (modern) > Switcher Loop 4: MXRBlue Box Fuzz > Switcher Loop 5: Analog Man King of Tone (newest version) > Switcher Loop 6: Ibanez Hand-WiredTS808 Tube Screamer > Switcher Loop 7: Analog Man Bi-Chorus > Switcher Loop 8: BK Butler Tube Driver (newmodel with Bias knob) > JAM Pedals Delay Llama. Photo by Michael Helweg

Kenny Wayne Shepherd’sboard—recently rebuilt bycustom builder Helweg CustomPedalboards—is packed with allthe bluesy goodness any StevieandJimi-inspired player could askfor. But the heart of his tone liesin the combination of a recentissueAnalog Man King of Toneand stock Ibanez TS-808HWTube Screamer. “It’s basicallythe sound of the amps and thisKing of Tone pedal and the TubeScreamer,” explains Shepherd.“Everything else is just for one ortwo songs here or there.”

Photo by Chris Kies

The King of Tone—whichhe called “one of the greatestoverdrive pedals ever built”—has its low (red) and high (yellow)gain sides set similarly,but the real magic happenswhen you combine the two.“It’s over-the-top awesome,” heenthused. Shepherd adds in theTS-808HW for even thickertones. “When you use the twotogether, it’s got everything toit,” he told us. “It’s got the fatlow end, and the nice, sparkly,high ends, and it’s got a reallynice midrange capability. I don’treally know of a better combinationto be honest with you.”

Analogman King Of Tone V4 Manual


Beyond this combination,which he says comprises 90 percentof his tone, Shepherd usesthe Dunlop Uni-Vibe for therhythm tone on “Blue On Black”and Hendrix songs, Electro-Harmonix POG 2 (with theKing of Tone) for “Your Blues,”and the Analog Man Bi-Chorus(one side set slow for Leslie tones,the other slightly faster) for theband’s slow version of “VoodooChile Blues.” Shepherd, who hasan original Tycobrahe Octavia forstudio use, uses the Chicago IronOctavia reissue for Hendrix songsas well, and calls it, “as accurateof a reissue as anything I’ve everseen.” He gets his favorite tonesby rolling off the tone slightly,stacking on a Tube Screamer, andhitting his Strat’s neck pickup.

Shepherd’s board actuallycontains two of his preferredDunlop CAE Cry Baby wahs—one on the board, and one circuitset to a specific pot settingand mounted under the boardfor the song “Show Me the WayBack Home.” Shepherd prefersthe CAE wah for its sweep andvocal qualities, and tends to stayon the yellow setting withoutthe built-in overdrive.

Analogman King Of Tone V4 Manual

The board is rounded outwith a recent issue BK ButlerTube Driver, a JAM Pedals DelayLlama+ modified with an on/offinstead of hold switch and taptempo, and a Boss TU-3, whichhe also uses as a mute switchwhen switching guitars.Michael Helweg wiredShepherd’s board with twoVoodoo Lab switchers and aVoodoo Lab Commander setwith loop presets for controllinghis pedal combinations.

Analog King Of Tone Pedal


Analogman King Of Tone Manual

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