Tiff Editor For Mac

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Active10 years ago

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What I'm looking for it something that automatically translates the hex in tiff files into the corresponding categories and values that are found in a tiff file, and hopefully be able to add/remove text rather easily. Does such a thing exist?

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Edit: On a mac

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closed as off-topic by Tog, harrymc, Kevin Panko, Moses, randomMay 12 '14 at 22:51

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3 Answers

Tiff Editor For Mac

If it is just a parser rather than an editor you want,
Hachoir parser might work -- though I have never tried it myself.

In general, I think there should be modules in Perl, Python, etc to parse TIFF files.
Therefore, there should be tools to dump headers for TIFF.
Hachoir parser is a Python tool. Free ai image editor for mac.

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TIFF files are images, so there's no much text in them. Most of the image processing programs will be able to handle them (Photoshop for example).

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Since you mention text, I'm guessing that you have faxes saved as TIFF files, so text in them is not really text--you'll need OCR software which will scan TIFF file into text document which you can then edit.

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Unfortunately I can't recommend free image editing or OCR software on Mac since I'm not a Mac user, but perhaps someone can chime in.

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Tiff Editor For MacDomchiDomchiText
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