Snagit Editor For Mac

I had the old version up until Mountain Lion broke it and TechSmith demanded more money for an update (more on that in a moment), so I thought I'd see how things had progressed in the time I've been away (basically I skipped the entire v2 of this app). I do a LOT of screencaptures, and SnagIt is, without a doubt, a very polished application. It's got a lot of new tools and effects since v1, and some (IMO) useless social sharing stuff, but essentially it does what it's always done, and very well indeed: take screen captures and allow you to edit them effortlessly and to a professional standard. The scrolling capture is also an essential tool for me for making records of particular webpages that are not indexed by search engines and which might disappear or change in the future.That's the good stuff. Now here's the other side. The reason why I stopped using SnagIt back in 2012 was because TechSmith stopped supporting the version I had. As I'd only had it for less than 12 months, I though it was a bit steep. I think it was billed as a $20 upgrade if you had v1, but (as someone from TechSmith says on this page) if you figure they're only going to support the last two OS iterations, and OS X now being on an annual upgrade cycle, you're basically going to be locked into an investment of $20 or so every 2 years.Moreover, although they throw in a few bits of icing on the cake to justify the demand for more money, what you're really paying for is the right to continue using the app on your machine. If I'm paying $50 for an app, I expect to be able to use it on the same machine for as long as that hardware lasts without having to pay for it again and again. For corporate users and the like the price is chicken feed, but if you're an individual and you get locked into this cycle with ALL your paid-for apps, your expenditure on s/w is going to start to mount. I'm a part-time developer myself, and I don't necessarily blame TechSmith for this: they've got to spend time and money keeping up with the changes Apple are making, too. But basically, this whole ecosystem is turning into a perpetual money-drain (or money earner depending on which side of the fence you sit) just to keep s/w you've already bought running on the same hardware throughout its lifetime.Now, in the year and half or more since I gave up using v1 of SnagIt, I've been getting by reasonably well using the built-in screencapture utility (command-shift-4, drag and click) and the free photo editing s/w GIMP. I miss the scrolling screen capture, and it takes me longer to produce edits/annotations that are not quite as cool, but they still do the job. Given the downside of being asked to dig into my pocket every 2-years or so, I thing I'll stick with what I've got.Summary: yes, this is a polished, professional app that does the job. You won't find anything quite as good on the market. However, be prepared to get locked in to a dependency cycle where you're paying for upgrades on a regular basis. Those upgrades will offer you some new 'features', but essentially you're paying to keep the app working on the same machine.

Compatible with Windows and Mac. Join Over 14 Million Snagit Users. Join Over 14 Million Snagit Users. Communicate your message. Modify and annotate your captured content with the built-in editor. Change colors, add shapes and arrows, blur text, highlight, and more with over 50 easy to use tools. 'Snagit makes it easy for us to empower. In this course, Oliver explores the basics behind using Snagit for Mac, including best practices for capturing and editing images, recording and narrating video, and using Snagit with a flipped classroom.

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  • Pros

    New video editor. Revert feature. Nearly every imaginable option for screen-capping images or video. Built-in image editor with full range of borders and effects. Uploads to Google Drive, YouTube, and more. Supports Secure FTP.

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  • Cons

    A bit pricey.

  • Bottom Line

    OS X has an integrated screen-capture tool, but those who need more functionality will find that Snagit goes far beyond, with this utility that's loaded with features. Python ide mac os x.

Apple's OS X operating system has a built-in screen-capture tool, so it may seem odd that someone would want to spend $50 on a utility like Techsmith's Snagit 3. Well, if you're a journalist, blogger, meme creator, or 4chan poster, you probably need a lot more functionality than simple capping and cropping. You'll want to blur sensitive information, add call-out arrows, make timed captures, or even capture video of your screen. Snagit 3 (available on PC as Snagit 12) does all that and more. The utility is a bit pricey, but it's a worthy Editors' Choice award-winning screen-capture tool for Mac users.

Instead of the 'Control' button, Macs use the 'Command' button with the 'X,' 'C' and 'V' keys for cutting, copying and pasting. One feature you won't find in Windows is the partial screenshot, which can zero in on an image that's otherwise inaccessible, such as photos embedded into PDFs or photos inside other photos. Macs also have a way of dragging photos to copy them from one program to another or onto the desktop. If you used to cut and paste photos on a Windows PC, you'll find Mac computers are quite similar, at least in this regard.

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Snagit Editor For Mac

Your Snagging Starts Here
Snagit 3's capture options dialog is accessed by a miniature tab that takes a sliver of space at the right edge of the screen. Move the cursor over the tab and a small dialog slides in, showing a red button that you can click to start a screen capture. There are options that let you dig deeper by capturing menus, windows, and webcam images. You can also initiate a capture by pressing a user-defined hotkey.

When Snagit captures a screen, it displays a set of crosshairs you can drag to define the area you want to capture, as well as a magnifying lens that enlarges the area under the cursor so you can position the crosshairs precisely. By default, a captured image opens in the Snagit editor, a user-friendly image-editing app with the ability to draw lines and shapes and add captions, edges, and borders.

The editor has built-in functions for uploading images and videos to Facebook, Google Drive, Twitter, and other destinations, but it lacks the incredibly handy Smart Collections feature found in competing screen-cap app Viola ($29.99). I would like to see Snagit adopt a Smart Collections-like feature as it declutters the editor by slotting images and video into categories such as Screen Snaps, YouTube Exports, and many more. Snagit 3, on the other hand, has a far superior feature—magnification. As you capture a portion of the screen, a small window opens near the cursor that gives you a pixel-level view for heightened accuracy.

Snagit 3 also has an incredibly useful feature that its Windows counterpart does not: Revert to Save. This lets you immediately remove all the edits that you've made to a capture with one click—no need to keep pressing the back icon until you've returned to the file's original state.


New Video Editing Features
New to Snagit 3 is a simple video editing feature, something that Skitch (free), a rival screen-capture app, lacks. Previously, you needed a separate video editor if you wanted to trim a video; now you can do that from within the app. Trimming a video is as simple as setting two points and clicking the Cut icon.

Snagit Editor Not Opening

Trimming is the extent of Snagit's video editing chops, but it works well. If you want to add titles or such, you'll need an external video editor. You can preview captured videos in Snagit's video editor, and capture individual frames from a video. Captured video can be shared to Camtasia, ScreenCast, or YouTube.

From the editor, you can save images and videos to disk in any standard format, including JPG, BMP, GIF, MP4, or Snagit's own SNAG format. One essential feature for anyone making screenshots of Internet applications is the Blur tool, which comes in very handy when you want to mask elements in an image, such as names, telephone numbers, and email addresses.

You Should Snag Snagit
Less-expensive screen-capture products like Skitch and Voila offer effective screen-capture functionality, but SnagIt's ease of use, flexibility, and power make it an outstanding screen-capture utility—one that's well worth the relatively steep asking price. Snagit remains our favorite screen-capture app, and it once again gets the Editor's Choice for screen-capture utilities for the Mac.

Snagit 3 (for Mac)

Snagit Editor For Mac

Bottom Line: OS X has an integrated screen-capture tool, but those who need more functionality will find that Snagit goes far beyond, with this utility that's loaded with features.

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